Corona measures

(recommended Corona measures)

We, Skischule Ski Dome Oberschneider GmbH Kaprun, will do our utmost to protect both our guests and our employees as much as possible throughout the upcoming season so that everything can run smoothly and safely. We would also like to point out that for your protection and ours, some safety regulations will apply and some additional measures are necessary.

These measures are subject to constant evaluation and adaptation in coordination with the official requirements, the regulations of our partners – especially the lift companies – and the guidelines of our interest groups and health authorities. The safety measures are constantly updated and adapted to the respective situation, therefore changes may also occur during the season.

Skischule Kaprun


Kostenlose Stornierungen sind möglich, wenn eine offizielle Reisewarnung für unser Skigebiet besteht oder es zum Lockdown kommt.

  •  bis 14 Tage vor Anreise kostenfrei stornieren
  •  14 – 08 Tage vor Anreise…………….70% des gebuchten Betrages zu begleichen
  •  07 – 00 Tage vor Anreise…………….90% des gebuchten Betrages zu begleichen
  •  Auch bei Vorlage eines ärztlichen Attests bekommt Ihr Eure Buchung in voller Höhe zurückerstattet.
  • Bei allen Stornierungen wird eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 20 € abgezogen.
  • Allen Lieferungen und Leistungen der Skischule aufgrund von Onlinebestellungen über das Internet oder andere Onlinedienste liegen diese Geschäftsbedingungen zugrunde.
  • Ansonsten gelten unsere Stornobedingungen laut AGB.
  • Bei Symptomen oder Krankheitsgefühl, bleiben Sie unbedingt fern und verständigen Sie die Corona Hotline 1450!
Skischule Kaprun

Social Distancing

Generally speaking, skiing is an outdoor sport and the chances of being infected are much less than when indoors. We will try to maintain the social distancing requirements wherever possible and to minimise all personal contact. We ask you in general to show consideration and appeal to everyone to be responsible.

Skischule Kaprun

Face masks and hand disinfectant

In all of the indoor areas of the Skischule Ski Dome Oberschneider GmbH Kaprun, we kindly ask our guests from the age of 6 onwards to wear a face mask. Besides the normal face masks, you can also wear bandanas, buffs, scarves etc. as a face mask. The important thing is that your mouth and nose are completely covered. We also expect the obligatory hand disinfection when entering and leaving our premises. All sales outlets and receptions are equipped with glass protection.

Skischule Kaprun

Booking online

All of our ski school offers can be booked online. We kindly request and recommend our guests to make use of this facility. You can book the services you require from the comfort of your own home. The tickets are prepared in our office, which saves you time and minimises contact.

Skischule Kaprun

Small children – “Bambini“

For ski courses for children from the age of 3 to 5 (Bambini course), the groups will consist of no more than 5 children. This minimises the risk and upon close contact the ski instructors will wear a face mask.

Skischule Kaprun

Lunchtime supervision

Our lunchtime supervision will also be offered in winter. However, there will be a limited offer in terms of time and logistics, depending on the restaurant in question. If required by the general recommendations, course guests will be asked to go to the reserved table with a face mask on. You do not need to wear a face mask when eating at the table. For this season, it is recommended that children be picked up to have lunch with their parents.

Skischule Kaprun

Ski races and prize giving for the guests

Our guest ski race will continue to take place fully on a weekly basis. The start intervals will be slightly extended to avoid any congestion at the start and finish areas. All award ceremonies will be held outdoors within the group.

Skischule Kaprun

Guests with symptoms

It should be taken as a matter of course that guests with symptoms of illness cannot take part in the ski school programme. We ask for your understanding on this point, only in this way can we all protect each other.

Skischule Kaprun


In the event of a positive Covid-19 ski course participant, it is essential to collect the correct data from all our guests (mobile phone number, accommodation, email) as quickly as possible, in order to prevent the virus from spreading.

Skischule Kaprun

Isolation in case of symptoms

If symptoms occur in any of the children on the ski course, then they must be immediately separated or isolated from the rest of the group. Parents must ensure that they can be reached at all times and must pick up their child as quickly as possible.

Skischule Kaprun

Safety for our employees

For our ski school employees, we will do everything in terms of safety. In addition to correct briefings and rules of conduct, we will ensure a good standard of accommodation and working conditions and will carry out systematic testing and testing in the event of the slightest suspicion.

Information about COVID-19

Dear guests!
Skiing is an outdoor sport and it has been proved that it is very beneficial for your health. You are outdoors in the fresh mountain air, you are stocking up on vitamin D and you are moving a lot. And that is not only good physically, but after the restrictions over the last few months, a stay in the mountains is also good for your mental health. So therefore we are looking forward to seeing you this winter!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Skiing and snowboarding will be a bit different this season. Kaprun Zell am See and the cable car companies will enforce all necessary measures by all means so that you can experience Austria’s greatest skiing with the best possible safety. We also ask you to kindly respect our COVID-19 regulations, so that we can be safe together. Then, as it currently stands, there is nothing standing in the way of an unlimited ski operation in winter 2020/21.

Corona safety measures for the ski operation in Kaprun Zell am See

A face mask is to be worn at all times, in the ski bus, in the ski depot, at the cashier’s desks and in the lift facility areas (cable cars, chairlifts, etc.).

As well as the more well-known face mask, as it currently stands, also multifunctional cloths, buffs, bandanas, ski masks etc. are allowed to be worn (however your mouth and nose must always be completely covered!)

On the slopes a face mask is not necessary.

All transportation (cable cars, chairlifts,…) will be aired as best as possible – Please ensure you air adequately during your ride (open windows, open the weather protection cover, etc.)

Disinfection possibilities are in the toilet facilities, at the ticket office area and in the ski depots.

All employees, who come into direct contact with customers, will wear a face mask or will be separated from the guests with a suitable safety measure (e.g. Plexiglass).

As with all public methods of transport, a face mask must be worn and this is also the case with the cable car and chairlift. This means that the cable cars and chairlifts can be used to their full capacity (e.g. 8 people in an 8-man cable car and 6 people on a 6-man chairlift).

Guests will be made aware of the current Corona safety regulations by means of signs and loudspeaker announcements on site.

All lift facilities (cable cars, chairlifts,…) will be regularly disinfected.

All cable cars are public forms of transport and are subject to the same regulations.

The employees of the cable car companies are trained or instructed in Corona safety measures according to uniform guidelines and regulations.

All employees of the lift companies will be tested for Covid-19 at the beginning of the winter season or when they are hired and then will undergo daily health checks (checking temperature, checking for symptoms). If there is any suspicion, then tests will be carried out immediately and the employees are then to immediately isolate from the company/organisation.

The cable car companies each have one employee who is responsible for planning and implementing measures against Corona.

By using the Contact Tracing APP ‘STOP CORONA’ of the Austrian Red Cross you are helping to tackle to spread of the Corona virus – it is recommended that you use this.

Download app here

Ski School Information

Appropriate reproduction of the policy paper “Health Protection and Winter Tourism” – Concept of the Austrian Ski School Association

Upon entering public places people are required to keep at least one metre apart if they do not live in the same household, from other groups and between parents and other parents. In the front office area of the ski schools, suitable room separation will be implemented, (e.g. Plexiglass).

A face mask must be worn if the minimum distance of one metre cannot be upheld, e.g. for absolutely necessary assistance during snow sports lessons or for assistance after falls (to get up etc.).

Registration of the ski school guests in accordance with the data protection regulations is required.

If possible, courses should be booked online. Please inform yourself on your chosen ski schools’ website or via telephone with regards to the respective use.

In order to make the social distancing rule (1 metre distance) simpler, manageable groups will be selected and this from the very start. Groups should then be kept as they are as best as possible.

The meeting places will be chosen to be as spacious as possible. Course schedules will be planned as far as possible in advance to avoid large group gatherings.

When using cable cars, the regulations of the cable cars must be observed. Please observe the signs and loudspeaker announcements on site.

Employees of the ski schools are trained and instructed in Corona safety measures according to uniform guidelines and regulations.

Ski schools and other related rooms, such as warming-up rooms, kindergartens and restaurants, as well as teaching aids and tools, toys etc. will be disinfected more times a day, depending upon usage.

At the children’s adventure world, toddlers are taught – this means keeping the social distance is not possible. Therefore, the snow sports instructors will wear a face mask, which is suitable for snow sports in order to be able to implement safety measures as quickly as possible.

Snow sports instructors who arrive from abroad must present a negative SARS-COV2 test to the ski school owner upon arrival. Regular SARS-COV2 testing of snow sport instructors and staff who have contact with ski school guests is planned.

Supervision of children in the ski schools

The supervision of children will be possible under special hygienic conditions. More detailed information regarding this is currently being worked out and you will be able to find it here.

Please inform yourself in advance with regards to the specific measure on the respective website of the ski schools. In any case, there will be hygienic measures fitting to the age of the children, keeping the social distance, the use of a face mask if it falls short of this, and a lot of time under supervision and moving around outside, whilst maintaining all the necessary hygienic measures.

In any case:

If you, your fellow travellers or children feel ill, please stay in your room, do not go skiing, do not come to gastronomic facilities or to snow sports lessons. Please inform your host immediately about your symptoms. If you, fellow travellers or children suffer from corona symptoms (fever, dry cough, aching limbs, sore throat, shortness of breath or loss of sense of taste or smell), please call the Health Hotline 1450 for further clarification of the symptoms.

All contents of this page have been compiled in the best of the editor’s knowledge and belief. All contents and information may be subject to alterations. State regulations form the legal basis for operation. Information and material regarding protective measures have been provided by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce – Division Ropeways.